Journal Articles
Transnational Feminisms in Development: A Manifesto for Emancipatory Praxis
2023. Sociology of Development 9(4):346-365
Sustainable Development and Participatory Action Research: A Systematic Review
2021. Systemic Practice and Action Research 34:291-306.
Knowledge in Action: Negotiating Power in Development
2021. Action Research 19(3):480-497.
Ethics for Development Research
2020. Sociology of Development 6(4):395-416.
Sustainable Heritage Development in the South African Cederberg
2019. Geoforum 104:36-45.
Gendered Livelihoods and Social Change in Post-apartheid South Africa
2018. Gender, Place and Culture 25(4):525-46.
Participatory Commodity Networking: An Integrated Framework for Fair Trade Research and Support
2018. Action Research 16(1):25-42. (First author with Laura T. Raynolds, Sandra Kruger, and Andries du Toit)
The Promise and Perils of Market-based Sustainability
2017. Sociology of Development 3(2):143-62. (First author with Douglas L. Murray)
Whose Knowledge Counts? Developing Fair Trade Skills in South Africa
2016. Globalizations 13(4):409-24.
Regional Economic Integration and Local Food: The Case of Latvia during European Union Accession
2009. International Journal of Sustainable Society 1(3):292-304.
Book Chapters
Energy Neomercantilism and Regenerative Alternatives
2023. Changing the Paradigm of Energy Geopolitics: Security, Resources, and Pathways in Light of Global Challenges, edited by J. Simões, F. Leandro, R. Oberoi, and E. Caetano de Sousa. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang (Second author with Majia H. Nadesan)
2023. The Handbook of Energy Transitions, edited by K. Araujo. New York: Routledge. (First author with Majia H. Nadesan and Martin J. Pasqualetti)
2022. Energy Democracies for Sustainable Futures, edited by M. Nadesan, M. Pasqualetti, and J. Keahey. New York: Elsevier.
Fair Trade and Racial Equity in Africa
2015. Handbook of Research on Fair Trade, edited by L.T. Raynolds and E.A. Bennett. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.
Fair Trade: Social Justice and Production Alternatives
2014. Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization, edited by M. Parker, G. Cheney, V. Fournier, and C. Land. New York, NY: Routledge. (Second author with Laura T. Raynolds)
Business with a Mission: The Ongoing Role of Ten Thousand Villages within the Fair Trade Movement
2011. A Table of Sharing: Mennonite Central Committee and Expanding Networks of Mennonite Identity, edited by A.E. Weaver, Telford, PA: Cascadia. (First author with Mary A. Littrell and Douglas L. Murray)
Fair Trade, Gender, and the Environment in Africa
2008. Handbook on Trade and the Environment, edited by K. Gallagher, Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (Second author with Laura T. Raynolds)
Policy and News
Can Market-based Sustainability Resolve the Development Crisis?
2018. Sociological Insights for Development Policy 3(4):1-2.
Executive Summary: Emerging Rooibos Farmer Market Access Project
2011. Fort Collins, CO: Center for Fair & Alternative Trade.
Jumbo Charcoal Supply Chain and Fairtrade Standards
2010. Pniel, South Africa: Sandra Kruger & Associates.
TRAX Ghana Income Generating Activities Program Report
2004. Worcester, MA: Clark University
Growth in Organic Farming Widens Consumer Option
2005. The Baltic Times, Feb. 11.